Korean Independent Low 2 Online (Mon., 6:30-8:30pm)
Instructor: Elizabeth McClary
Objective: Learners in this class will build on the knowledge acquired in Beginner and Explorer levels. Learners will continue to refine speaking and comprehension abilities in Korean through weekly conversation practice. Continued conversation practice will pertain to daily life and events (present, past, and future), while incorporating new grammar and vocabulary introduced in class. Topical conversations will also be introduced as appropriate. Learners will be guided to continue to practice appropriate use of the polite, honorific and deferential forms of speech. Learners will continue to be introduced to Korean culture and customs through multimedia, cultural interactions, and supplementary materials.
Course Expectations: It is strongly recommended that you schedule about 4 hours per week outside of the weekly 2-hour class for engaging with this course. Your background knowledge/experience with the language and other variables may require you to spend more OR less time. Please plan accordingly by scheduling time on your calendar now. Active engagement in all course activities (e.g., class participation, module completion and participation, homework, written-assignments, studying vocabulary, etc.) will contribute to your learning and success in this course.
Can Do Statements: Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:
Express permission and prohibition
Tell about plans of intent
Describe physical appearance
Detail similarities
Understand and converse about Korean life in regards to clothes and shopping
Talk about online shopping and purchasing
Make an inquiry regarding an order
Discuss issues and problems regarding an order
Required Materials: (Note: the course materials may be purchased from the vendor of your choice; possible sources are linked below)
Textbook: Integrated Korean: Intermediate 1
(ISBN-13: 978-0824836504 ) (2nd Edition)
Workbook: Integrated Korean: Intermediate 1
(ISBN-13: 978-0824836511) (2nd Edition)
Supplementary Textbook: Everyday K-lingo
(ISBN-13: 978-8927733331) (Bilingual, 1st Edition)
This course will cover Integrated Korean Intermediate 1: Lesson 2 and K-Lingo: Ch 3.
*This may be potentially modified due to student progress