Chinese Independent Mid 3 Online (Thurs., 6:30-8:30pm)

Instructor: Winnie Pang
Begins April 24, no class June 19, ends June 26
Objective: Learners in this course will build on skills developed during Beginner 1 through Independent Mid 2. They will continue to expand their vocabulary and use learned phrases to conduct daily conversations as well as reading and writing skills with higher precision and complexity. The course goal is to maintain authenticity and practicality to meet the needs of efficiency-demanding learners.
Can-Do Statements: Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:
· Discuss overdue bills and arrange fund transfers
· Open a bank account and talk about banking procedures
· Use passive voice and describe the manner of an action
· Express complaints and convey judgment or determination
· Read and understand fee notices and formal written language
· Interpret and write notices using key formal expressions (e.g., 本, 於, 未, 由, 將, 之, 即將, 如下)
Use of the Language: This course has been designed in such a way that most of the class time will be devoted to communication and will be taught in the target language (i.e., the language that you are studying). As you already have some experience with the language, you are encouraged to use the target language as much as possible.
You are not expected to understand everything, and you can expect to be pushed beyond your comfort zone. However, your instructor is there to make sure you can succeed in meeting the goals of the activities and of the class in general. Our goal is for you to be able to communicate in the target language, and we cannot learn to speak a language without speaking it. Please remember that we learn best by making mistakes, and we encourage you to try to do your best. Don’t forget that your instructor is there to support you in class and is also available via the Matrix messaging system for assistance.
Expectations/Time Commitment: Over this 9-week course, learners will spend two hours (120 minutes) per week in class via our live, interactive Zoom session(s). Homework and other out-of-class work (e.g., studying vocabulary and characters at Quizlet, completing assigned readings, preparing written assignments, doing textbook assignments, etc.) is estimated at around 300 minutes (about 5 hours) per week for the course.
Required Materials: (Note: the textbook and CDs can be purchased from Tennessee Language Center).
1. Far East Everyday Chinese Textbook II (Traditional Character Edition) IMPORTANT: THERE ARE TWO BOOKS (A) AND (B).
ISBN-13: 9789576124877
2. Far East Everyday Chinese Textbook II CDs (set of 4)
ISBN-13: 718159800612
This course will cover Unit 7 Lesson 13 and Lesson 14. Supplemental notes and exercises will be provided by the instructor.