Arabic Beginner 1 In-Person at Polk Ave (Wed., 5:30-7:30pm)
** This class will be held at 193 Polk Ave, Suite D, (2nd floor), Nashville, TN.
Instructor: Yvonne Roman
Objective: Learners in this class will be introduced to the Arabic alphabet and sound systems (Modern Standard Arabic). They will engage in simple conversations in which they use appropriate greetings, general expressions and shorts phrases. They will also demonstrate their understanding of basic geography and culture of the Middle East.
Can-Do Statements: Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:
Use both nonverbal signals and simple, memorized words and phrases to demonstrate comprehension and understanding of the target language
Use the Arabic alphabet to both read and write individual words and simple, memorized phrases
Greet others using hello and goodbye and say and ask for other’s names
State nationality and place of origin (e.g., country/state/city) of origin and ask others about theirs
Use numbers 0 to 10 to both state and ask about phone numbers and the cost for some goods and services
Name and ask about immediate family members, stating both relationships (e.g., My brother’s name is…”) and quantity (e.g., “I have three brothers.”)
Order food and drinks commonly found in an Arabic café
Make simple plans with each other while expressing dates, talking about the weather, etc.
Express likes and dislikes about food/drink and hobbies
Demonstrate comprehension by matching spoken and written words and phrases to images
Describe people, places and things depicted in posters, diagrams, pictures, etc.
Respond to and ask simple questions (yes/no and Wh-questions) in the present tense
Use technology tools such as Padlet, audio/video recordings, PowerPoint, etc.
Use of the Language: This course has been designed in such a way that most of the class time will be devoted to communication and will be taught in the target language (i.e., the language that you are studying). After being introduced to the language during the first class session, you are encouraged to use the target language as much as possible. You are not expected to understand everything, and you can expect to be pushed beyond your comfort zone. However, your instructor is there to make sure you can succeed in meeting the goals of the activities and of the class in general. Our goal is for you to be able to communicate in the target language, and we cannot learn to speak a language without speaking it. Please remember that we learn best by making mistakes, and we encourage you to try to do your best. Don’t forget that your instructor is there to support you in class and is also available via the Matrix messaging system for assistance.
Expectations/Time Commitment: It is strongly recommended that learners schedule about 2 hours per week outside of the weekly 2-hour class for engaging with this course. Background knowledge/experience with the language and other variables may require them to spend additional time. Learners should plan accordingly by scheduling time on their calendars now. Active engagement in all course activities (e.g., class participation, module completion and participation, homework, written assignments, studying vocabulary, etc.) will contribute to learning and success in this course.
Required Materials: No textbook is required for this course; materials will be provided by the instructor.